Pre-Biotic Evolution, The Missing Link of Biological Evolution

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ISBN: 978-93-87500-03-7

Single Authored eBook

Lee A Hadwiger

Professor Emeritus

Washington State University

There are some reasons why the evangelical explanation of creation is resisted by many within the scientific community. These reasons are obvious to most scientists. The biblical time line of creation and that obtained from carbon dating are in obvious conflict. The current crop of scientists understands the accuracy of carbon dating so they are inclined to defer from specifics of creation described biblically. The accuracy of the bible gathered from experiences and events, recorded nearly a century afterwards, would expectedly have inaccuracies. The bible authors did not possess the library and scientific tools that the current fields of science enjoy. Alternately, present day scientists with genome analyses have better insights of the complexities of biology than even those known in the era of Watson and Crick or of Darwin. I am dedicated to bring some of the complexities to the attention of those who have not had access to the more recent inner workings of biology.

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Pre-Biotic Evolution, The Missing Link of Biological Evolution

Author(s): Hadwiger LA

There are some reasons why the evangelical explanation of creation is resisted by many within the scientific community. These reasons are obvious to most scientists. The biblical time line of creation and that obtained from carbon dating are in obvious conflict. The current crop of scientists understands the accuracy of carbon dating so they are inclined to defer from specifics of creation described biblically. The accuracy of the bible gathered from experiences and events, recorded nearly a century afterwards, would expectedly have inaccuracies. The bible authors did not possess the library and scientific tools that the current fields of science enjoy. Alternately, present day scientists with genome analyses have better insights of the complexities of biology than even those known in the era of Watson and Crick or of Darwin. I am dedicated to bring some of the complexities to the attention of those who have not had access to the more recent inner workings of biology.

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